Help us make a difference
For those that know me Hi ... For those that don't my name is Lisa and on the 15th of March 2024 my 9 year old son Jordan had his first asthma attack unfortunately it was a severe asthma attack witch collapsed his lungs and left him unresponsive for a period of time, thanks to paramedics, the amazing team at the Lyell McEwen and medstar they were able to stabilise my boy and transfer him off to the women's and children's were he spent a week in the intensive care unit. Thankfully Jordan recovered and with the help from his care team ( touch wood) he hasn't had another attack since.
But that's not to say it won't happen again. Thanks to the asthma team at the women's and children's Hospital they were able to educate me on the seriousness of asthma and how to care for someone with asthma. Without the team educating me on asthma I wouldn't know the seriousness of it. So with that I'm hopping to raise funds for the asthma foundation in hopes to educate more people and to support those with asthma.
Together we can make a difference.
From my family to yours
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