Challenge yourself and help people breathe so they can live freely
Why not get fit and raise funds at the same time? You can hold a sports day, undertake a personal challenge, or join an organised race to raise funds to help Australians living with asthma breathe easier.

Hold a sports day
Some of our most popular fundraisers are golf days, baseball days, netball days and cricket days. Why not gather some friends or clients together to hold a boot camp, or workout session?
You can raise funds by selling entry tickets for the event, putting on a barbecue on the day, charging for lunch or drinks, or sourcing prices from local businesses and hold a raffle or auction. Be sure to get your local sporting club on board to help promote it!

Make up your own challenge
If you’ve ever wanted to walk across Australia, swim the Murray River, or climb to the top of our highest mountain, or see how many stairs you can climb in a stadium or skyscraper, helping Australians to breathe easier is a great reason to do it.
The bigger the challenge, the more funds you'll raise.
Or maybe you want to do something simple like taking your dog for a walk every day for a whole month. Whatever you choose, you’ll be moving more and raising much needed funds to help Australians with asthma.
Share your story on your online fundraising page and to ask people to sponsor you. If you’re doing something that’s really amazing, you could even speak to your local newspaper or radio station to ask them to promote your challenge.

Join an organised race
There are lots of organised fun runs, walks, swims, marathons, and triathlons you can join. Once you’ve entered, select Asthma Australia as your chosen charity, or you can create a fundraising page here and send the link to your friends and ask people to sponsor you.
Follow fundraising campaigns

A special thank you to the Blayney community who raised more than $34,000 from the Cameron Hobby Memorial Golf Day – hosted by the Blayney Bears Senior Rugby League and Blayney Rams Rugby Union Football Club.
The golf day was held on 13 June 2021, in memory of Cameron “Camo” Hobby who tragically passed away from asthma. 25-year-old Cameron had an asthma attack in the middle of the night in early November 2018. He collapsed before leaving his house to go to hospital and was unable to be revived.
“It’s our hope that the funds raised will go toward preventing people from dying from asthma in the future” said one of the organisers, Olivia Bird.
Sadly, like Cameron, about 400 people die from asthma every year. Asthma Australia relies on community fundraisers to help the 2.7 million Australians living with asthma to live freely.