Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the information you are looking for you can contact our Fundraising team by email: fundraising@asthma.org.au

How do I donate? What are your bank details?

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You can donate online here.  
You can donate via bank transfer:  

If you would like to donate via bank transfer, please use these bank details and quote the reference you used in an email to us or call us on 1800 278 462 so we can thank you with a receipt. 

Account name: Asthma Australia Ltd 
BSB: 032-197 
Account Number: 445 076 
Bank: Westpac 
Reference: Please list your name or supporter id.

Do I have to fundraise on a certain date? 

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You can fundraise at any time.  


How do I register and set up a fundraising page? 

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Step 1 – choose how you would like to fundraise  

Step 2 – create an account. We’ll ask you for your name, email address and mobile phone number  

Step 3 – create your page. We’ll ask you to name your fundraising page, add a fundraising target and tell everyone a little about what you are accepting donations for (don’t worry we’ll get you started).

Step 4 – add a profile picture

All done! 

Why do I need to register? 

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We ask you to register so that we can support you in your fundraising efforts. We can provide you with resources and your Letter of Authority to Fundraise for Asthma Australia.  

I forgot my password. How do I re-set it? 

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On our fundraising website: https://fundraise.asthma.org.au/
You can click Login and then the Forgot Password link and follow the prompts to re-set it.

Where does my fundraising money go? 

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Every dollar raised through your fundraising goes towards research, education, and support programs for people with asthma.  

What are the best ways to promote my fundraiser? 

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You can ask your family, friends and colleagues for support vial email, sms or online by sharing your personalised fundraising page on social media or printing a poster in your workplace or sporting and social groups. You can find downloadable resources here. If you’re fundraising in your workplace, you could ask to include a promotion in your internal communication channels or add to your global email signature.  

How do I ask people for donations? 

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Share with your community why the cause is important to you – remind them that every dollar raised goes towards funding vital research, education, and support programs for people with asthma. Then, ASK. It is common to feel uncomfortable asking but the number one reason people donate to charities is because they were asked – you can do it!  

How do I use my fundraising page? 

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Now you are all set up you can add updates to keep your supporters informed about your progress.  

You can choose to add: 

  • Text updates (Post) 
  • Social media shares (TikTok, YouTube, Facebook Lives) 
  • Images 
  • Strava Map (fitness app)   

How do I give you the money? 

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The easiest way to get the funds you raised to us is to log in online. If your donors want receipts you'll need to log each donation individually. Alternatively, you can reach out to our Fundraising team on 1800 ASTHMA (1800 278 462).  

How do I add cash/offline funds to my fundraising page?  

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Log in to your fundraiser dashboard here (link).  

  1. Hover over your name 
  2. Select Dashboard  
  3. Click My Donations  
  4. Add Offline Donation  


How do I get tax receipts? (for fundraisers and sponsors)  

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For online donations donors will receive an email with their receipt. Receipts can also be found in the fundraiser dashboard here (link). 

  1. Click My Account  
  2. Click Your History  

There you will see a list of donations history and you can download the pdf receipts. To get an individual receipt you need to log individual donation amounts.  

Can I use the Asthma Australia logo? 

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Contact our Marketing team at marketing@asthma.org.au to discuss using the Asthma Australia logo.  

What support does Asthma Australia provide? 

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Asthma Australia currently promote community fundraisers in emails and on social media where we are able. We are currently working on developing other supporting materials and guidelines for our community fundraisers. If you have a suggestion, please email us at fundraising@asthma.org.au  

Can I donate via direct deposit? 

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You can donate via direct deposit if you would like to.

Please use the following information

Account Name: Asthma Australia Ltd

BSB: 032 197

Account Number 445 076

Quote your supporter id or first and last name as your reference and please email us at fundraising@asthma.org.au so we can email you a receipt.

How do I change my fundraising page’s url so it doesn’t display my name?

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  • Login to your fundraising page via the blue login button here https://fundraise.asthma.org.au/
  • Under my page, click on the edit my page button.
  • See “Personal URL” you can edit the text here.
  • Your page’s new URL will appear in the description next to the blue view button.

How do I change the name after "by" on my page so it doesn’t display my name?

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  • Login to your fundraising page via the blue login button here https://fundraise.asthma.org.au/
  • Go to “MY ACCOUNT”
  • See “Alternate Display Name”
  • Scroll down and press the Save changes button
  • Your page will update to By whatever text you added into the alternative display name field.


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