“I've struggled with the fear of not being able to breathe... it's a constant battle”
- Meg.

Imagine what that’s like?

To have to function on such a small amount of air.

To have to teach and parent and live your life, without enough air to breathe properly.

This was Meg’s life, battling asthma.

Nearly 2.8 million Australians live with asthma. When you read Meg’s story, imagine it’s someone you know.

Asthma is serious. At least 1 Australian dies every day because of asthma.

Your support provides life-saving information and services that help people like Meg really live, not just exist.

Thanks for keeping mums like Meg out of hospital

Because of your support today, more people and families living with asthma have the information and support they need to live their lives freely.

Because of the help she got from Asthma Australia’s Educator when she called 1800 ASTHMA, Meg says,

“I’m in really good health. I am now able to go hiking and camping and do all the things I love without issue. That phone call made such a huge difference. Now I can walk my child to school. I can go to a park with him. I couldn’t do that before.”

Thank you for caring for others in our community.

Thank you for helping to fund vital medical research and asthma education.

our generous donation today will keep mums like Meg home with their families and out of hospital. What better gift to give a family?


Asthma Australia is here to support nearly 2.8 million Australians living with asthma.

Your support, combined with other generous donors, helps to fund:

  • The 1800 ASTHMA phone information line, open Monday to Friday
  • Australia’s only dedicated asthma research program. We’re specifically focused on asthma in ageing and asthma in children. Our mission is to find better treatments for asthma so people can live freely
  • Education and action plans for people to live with their asthma and to prevent deaths from it
  • Evidence based information and education about asthma and how it can be managed and treated
  • Advocacy and awareness campaigns to educate Australians about asthma.

You’re helping people to breathe better so they can live freely

Asthma Australia is here to support all people and families diagnosed and learning how to live with asthma. Meg says it beautifully,

“Asthma Australia help the community understand what asthma is.

The services they provide are important, especially today when people are struggling to access healthcare services.

I can’t speak highly enough of them.”