Fund Asthma Educators

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could enable us to mail a newly diagnosed person with asthma an asthma tool kit. Which includes information about asthma and tools such as an Asthma Action Plan, and Asthma First Aid.
could fund an educational resource for a health professional
could fund a phone call to an Asthma Educator via 1800 ASTHMA where personalised information can provide life-changing support to people with asthma, their carers and health professionals.
could go towards research into preventing an asthma attack. The National Asthma Research Program is the country's only fund dedicated exclusively to asthma research.

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It should have been an amazing holiday, camping in the bush at Thredbo Diggings. But when 10-year-old Ky had a severe asthma attack in his tent, it quickly turned into a nightmare.

“It was just after a wonderful Christmas on the 28th of December. It was still dark, I heard Ky coughing in the tent next to me. “Ky was having an asthma attack in his sleep. His dad Rod woke him up and gave him his reliever medicine. But Ky kept coughing, he wasn’t breathing properly." 

Panicked, Jo called triple zero at around 4am. Ky wasn’t improving. The phone signal was patchy, but she eventually got through to an ambulance operator. She told him where they were camping, and that they would start driving to meet the ambulance on the way.

“I couldn’t hear him breathe. I was worried when his skin and lips went white. We couldn’t see the ambulance yet. Time was critical. I rang triple zero again. About 10 minutes had passed. I started to think about how I might resuscitate Ky.

I was worried it had been too long. But when I saw the ambulance’s blue and red flashing lights, I started to calm down. Rod sped towards them and pulled over.

My heart raced as I scooped Ky out of the car and ran to meet the ambulance. I stood on the side of the road with Ky in my arms. Ky looked at me with fear in his eyes. They put him straight on the respirator. I was so relieved I wanted to cry, he was going to be ok,” said Jo.

Every year thousands of children, just like Ky, have an asthma attack so serious that they must go to hospital. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We know that around 80% of unplanned hospital visits can be avoided with better asthma management.

We want more families like Ky’s to have the life changing information and support they need from an Asthma Educator, so they don’t have to experience the trauma of having to rush their child to hospital.

Please donate now to fund education, support and vital research to help prevent asthma attacks.

Ky with his brother Josh in hospital after a serious asthma attack
Rod, Josh, Jo and Ky on Christmas day - just days before his asthma attack
Things began to turn around for Ky when Jo reached out to one of our Asthma Educators


Things began to turn around for Ky when Jo reached out to one of our Asthma Educators, Alyssa. Alyssa took the time to listen to Jo and answer her questions. 

Jo talked to Alyssa about Ky’s asthma attack, his asthma history, and how his asthma is managed. Alyssa went over Ky’s medicines and suggested some questions Jo could ask Ky’s doctor. After listening, Alyssa suggested Jo could ask Ky’s doctor if he could start taking asthma preventer medicine every day.

“The conversation was extremely helpful. After speaking with Alyssa, I knew what questions I needed to ask Ky’s doctor, and I was confident to advocate for my son,” said Jo. 

Since Ky’s been on a preventer, he hasn’t had an unplanned hospital visit. 

We want more families like Ky’s to have the life changing information and support they need, so they don’t have to experience the trauma of rushing their child to hospital. 

Will you please donate to help fund vital research and education? Your gift will keep more children well and out of hospital.


Professor Mattes’ research project is exploring the use of smart inhalers to improve asthma management for children aged 5-9.  

A ‘Smart inhaler’ is a device that can be attached to a child’s standard preventer inhaler. It gives reminders about when the next dose is due, and records when a child takes their preventer. The device connects to the parent's phone and can be viewed by the child’s doctor.  

The project aims to find out if smart inhalers can help children use their preventers regularly to reduce asthma attacks.

Jo said having a smart-inhaler could be a game-changer for Ky.

“I still remind Ky to take his preventer morning and night. I'm trying to see if he can remember to take it. But I don’t think he’s ready for that yet. A smart inhaler would give me the reassurance that he will take his preventer without having to think too much about it,” said Jo.

Please donate to support education, support and vital asthma research to help prevent asthma attacks.

Smart Inhaler
Professor Mattes' research project: an asthma study to test the effectiveness of smart inhalers


If you would prefer to donate via bank transfer, please use these bank details and quote the reference you used in an email to us at or call us on 1800 278 462 so we can thank you with a receipt.

Account Name: Asthma Australia Ltd
BSB: 032-197
Account Number: 445 076
Bank: Westpac
Reference: Mobile Phone Number

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