Frequently Asked Questions about the Huff & Puff

If you can't find the information you are looking for you can contact our Fundraising team by email: fundraising@asthma.org.au

Can I participate if I have asthma?

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The short answer is yes! But you should consult your doctor first and choose an activity and distance that’s aligned to your asthma control and triggers. If there’s no appropriate challenge for you we are counting on you to be a RECRUITER. Find all the people in your life who you wish understood the impacts of asthma on your life and have them commit to The Asthma Huff & Puff and support the 1 in 9 Aussies with asthma. After all, you’re the 1 in 9.

How long do I have to Huff & Puff for?

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The official challenge is 10 days long, from 1-10 September to align with Asthma Week but you can go for as long as you’d like and set your own timeline to suit you.

How do I choose a daily distance?

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The best part about The Asthma Huff & Puff is you can choose your own challenge. What’s challenging for one person might be a warm up for another, so it’s important that you choose something that’s challenging for you but is sustainable for the length of challenge and safe for your own health and well-being.

Which challenging activity should I choose?

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It’s up to you! We’ve suggested a sprint, ride, run or swim because these are the most popular options for participants across other physical challenges but feel free to choose something that’s most suited to your lifestyle.

Do I have to record myself and share the videos?

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No, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We’d love to be able to show the asthma community that there are people (like you!) standing with them, but the choice is yours.

Do I have to fundraise or can I just participate in the challenge?

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Fundraising is encouraged but isn’t mandatory. We know that Huff & Puffers will want to help people with asthma and the best way to do that is help Asthma Australia to keep providing support services and programs like 1800 ASTHMA at no cost to them.


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