Where does the money go
Together we can make sure that people with asthma can breathe better.
The Asthma Huff & Puff is Asthma Australia’s biggest fundraising event of the year. Your support helps people with asthma, their carers and families get the support and advocacy they need.

Research better treatments + Find a CURE for asthma.
Asthma Australia recently organised the first ever CURE Asthma Symposium where leading experts in asthma research and clinical care from all around Australia came together to kickstart our journey to finding a cure for asthma. Thanks to advancements in our understanding of asthma and similar diseases, curing asthma is becoming a possibility! While we’ve made progress in treating asthma, we’re now actively shifting our focus towards finding a cure.

1800 ASTHMA, an information line that connects people with asthma directly to a trained Asthma Educator. They can help people with asthma to breathe easier by helping callers learn what sets off asthma, how best to manage it and how to tell others about it.

AirSmart is the Australian app for air quality. It puts all the information about the air you breathe directly into your hands. By knowing what’s in the air, AirSmart can better protect your health and help people with asthma safely plan their day.