Bridget Parris

Huff & Puff

My Activity Tracking

I have completed

of my 2.5 km sprint goal.

My target 2.5 km

I’m getting breathless for asthma!

I’m challenging myself to 10 days straight of fitness activity because, unlike people with asthma I can breathe easily. I want to stand with them and really experience what it’s like, even just for a moment, to struggle to breathe. 

  • Asthma is responsible for at least 1 Australian death every day and around 100 hospitalisations every day. Over 80% of these hospitalisations are considered potentially avoidable. 
  • 1 in 9 Australians are directly impacted by asthma, with children being the most impacted.

You can show your support by using the Donate button. Your support will fund ground-breaking research and provide free support programs and services to the asthma community, like 1800 ASTHMA. A telephone information support service that receives around 20 calls a day from people with asthma and their carers. 

“An Asthma Educator really changed my life. I have never in my life been more well than I am now, due to that call I made to Asthma Australia. Can’t recommend them highly enough. I learned more in that 40 minute chat than I have in my lifetime.”

– 1800 ASTHMA Caller

My Achievements

Huffed for 5 days Straight

Huffing with Friends

Got My 1st Donation

Made a Self Donation

Puffer Pic Uploaded

Shared My Fundraising Page

50% of Fundraising Target

Hit Fundraising Target

My Updates

Sweaty on the run

Tuesday 10th Sep

Last day today

Tuesday 10th Sep
Today I did my 10th 2.5km or greater run/walk in a row. It was very cold this morning but I tried to walk as little as possible and was happy with my progress in the 10 days now I am hoping to turn it into a more sustainable routine. Thanks again to everyone who donated 

A brief moment of sunshine

Thursday 5th Sep
Yesterday I was able to go for a run in the sunshine without the pram and it was much easier and I could tackle some hills. I thought I would be more sore but I’ve been trying to listen to my body and it’s been ok 

Day 3

Tuesday 3rd Sep
Well it’s been horrible weather for running but I have been able to suck it up and get out with Morgan in the pram. I am enjoying it although quite stiff after. Today I am attending training to learn more about spirometry which is used to diagnose and monitor asthma and lung disease 

First “run”

Sunday 1st Sep
It was ultra windy, I’m getting over a cold and having to use ventolin intermittently for my cough, and Morgan has hand foot and mouth. I haven't really run since I got pregnant with Morgan, so it was mostly walking with a few runs. I am aiming to complete the same distance but in faster time as I gradually do less walking and more running. Thanks for all your support 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kirsten Parris

Go Bridgie!!


John Gault

Keep it up, Bridget


Ann Parris


Peter Rees


Monica Parris

Go Bridget you can do it!



Good luck Bridget. Great cause



Well done Bridget!


Nicki Dunn

Great work Bridget!!


Natalie Pirotta


Siena Tagliabue

Go Bridget Go!