We're getting breathless for asthma!
We're challenging ourself to 10 days straight of fitness activity because, unlike people with asthma we can breathe easily. We want to stand with them and really experience what it’s like, even just for a moment, to struggle to breathe.
- Asthma is responsible for at least 1 Australian death every day and around 100 hospitalisations every day. Over 80% of these hospitalisations are considered potentially avoidable.
- 1 in 9 Australians are directly impacted by asthma, with children being the most impacted.
You can show your support by using the Donate button. Your support will fund ground-breaking research and provide free support programs and services to the asthma community, like 1800 ASTHMA. A telephone information support service that receives around 20 calls a day from people with asthma and their carers.
“An Asthma Educator really changed my life. We have never in our life been more well than we are now, due to that call we made to Asthma Australia. Can’t recommend them highly enough. We learned more in that 40 minute chat than we have in our lifetime.”
– 1800 ASTHMA Caller
Thank you to our Sponsors

Elizabeth Azzi

Co Luu
All the best with it!


Tashi Graeme-baker

Brontë Midgley

Nicholas Russell

Penelope Duffell
You are amazing B, always thinking of others & how you can help them - the best human 💛🥰

Penelope Duffell
You are amazing B, always thinking of others & how you can help them - the best human 💛🥰


You go girl! Such a great cause! Well done

Mackenzie Ellem

Bronte Midgley
Thanks for jumping on board team GSK!

Bronte Midgley
Can't wait to see your km tally!!! #athlete

Bronte Midgley
Great initiative and thanks for leading Ed!
Amazing initiative Brontë!! Cycle to the very end!!