Katelyn Tepper

Huff & Puff

My Activity Tracking

I have completed

of my 5 km sprint goal.

My target 5 km

I’m getting breathless for asthma!

I’m challenging myself to 10 days straight of fitness activity because I have Asthma and my sister has serious asthma. She’s always in hospital and that makes me feel worried and sad. I strive to get better treatment for myself and my sister. 

  • Asthma is responsible for at least 1 Australian death every day and around 100 hospitalisations every day. Over 80% of these hospitalisations are considered potentially avoidable. 
  • 1 in 9 Australians are directly impacted by asthma, with children being the most impacted.

You can show your support by using the Donate button. Your support will fund ground-breaking research and provide free support programs and services to the asthma community, like 1800 ASTHMA. A telephone information support service that receives around 20 calls a day from people with asthma and their carers. 

“An Asthma Educator really changed my life. I have never in my life been more well than I am now, due to that call I made to Asthma Australia. Can’t recommend them highly enough. I learned more in that 40 minute chat than I have in my lifetime.”

– 1800 ASTHMA Caller

My Achievements

Huffed for 5 days Straight

Huffing with Friends

Got My 1st Donation

Made a Self Donation

Puffer Pic Uploaded

Shared My Fundraising Page

50% of Fundraising Target

Hit Fundraising Target

My Updates

This is why I did this challenge

Monday 9th Sep
My little sister gets sick a lot with asthma and she goes to hospital heaps. This makes me feel super sad and stressed so I really want to find a cure to make sure she’s safe and happy. I’m almost done and I thank you all for your support.

I did my huff and puff today

Sunday 8th Sep
I actually needed to use my puffer. Thank you for all the donations. I want to keep raising money for a cure so please share and donate and I’ll keep up the good work

2 Hour Soccer Training Today

Saturday 7th Sep
I’ve been keeping up with my running and I thank you so much for the ongoing support.

Hi everyone I think my running has been helping because I won a first prize at school sports today.

Thursday 5th Sep
Thank so much for the support it means a lot cheers.

I made the paper to raise awareness

Wednesday 4th Sep
I’ve been out running and riding my bike each day as part of my challenge. I hope we can find a cure soon and I thank you so much donating.

I'm Huffing and Puffing

Monday 2nd Sep
Started my challenge by playing a game of soccer and doing some running afterwards yesterday.. Pretty windy today but I'm going to get out still.

I also did a radio interview to raise money which was fun. 

Thank you

Wednesday 7th Aug
Thanks for the support half way I look forward to starting my challenge on SEP 1 from Kaden

Thank you to my Sponsors





KADEN - Very proud of you and how you love and look out for your sister 🙂.


Gtrain Emmett


Daryl Tepper





You’re doing such a great job!


Leanne And Phil

Fantastic work Kaden!!




Norm Tepper


Katelyn Tepper



A beautiful thing to do for your lovely little sister X


Melissa Evans



You are such a caring brother, Kaden!


Wendy Westaway


Amy And Matt Fridge

Well done mate, doing really well!


Nathan And Carly Tepper


Betty Smith


Eddie Frost

Good work team.


Carolyn West



Good job Kaden, on raising money for a good cause! ☺️😌


Sandra Gerdtz


Bianca, Jaxon And Madison